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Fair & Competative Prices...

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Posted by JohnZ on May 12, 2003 at 23:47:28:

In Reply to: True... but posted by Krystal19_85 on May 12, 2003 at 13:23:44:

"I will be selling everything for fair and competive prices, my only concern is that people will think I am ripping them off because my prices will be low."

Think about it, if your prices are afir, most of the time its not competative, it they are competative, they are most likely not fair. Also, whats fair to you might not be fair to someone else.

A 2003 Mercedes 500SL selling for $110,000 might be fair to a business exec. but might be like "Who the hell would pay THAT for a car" to you.

You might want to take a business coarse or 2 before trying to run a business you still do not have. What works today might be way off base tomorrow.

I am new to Ball Pythons and i got 13 so far with 3 coming. I do plan on breeding and trying to make a few dollars, but i am not telling the world i can beat others prices. You already got a strike against you and you don't even have the door open yet.

You have no idea what the market will be like in 2 years, heck, msot don't even know what the market will be like in 2 months. Its a lot to do with taking risk and guessing well. Also, you have no idea of cost for stock, food for the Balls, your time, electricity(heating), supplies(racks, bowls, etc...).

Starting a good business is not about beating the next guy or venting, its about doing what your doing because you love doing it and it puts food on the table.

Like the saying goes, "Build it and they will come". Well, business is like that. Build it(1st) and they will come(if your good at what you do). Money always follows quality and service...

Just my 5 1/2 cents. Thanks... JAZ

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