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Newbie Please Help-HEATING

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Posted by Krystal19_85 on May 12, 2003 at 14:10:12:

In Reply to: Newbie Please Help-HEATING posted by graffitiraptor on May 12, 2003 at 13:56:21:

no the only worries I had was the bark getting lodged in the poor things mouth or elsewhere on the way down, as long as you don't feed on the bark you should be fin. I also feed in the cage. You aren't supposed to touch them for 48 houres after they eat, so why put them in a container where you have to handle them IMMEDIATLY after eating to put them in the cage? But I used Calci-sand untill I heard rumors that it can hurt the snake (I never had problems for the year I used it though) Now I have updated to cage liners, cheaper when you have multiple animals and they can't eat it.

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