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Good Point..more...

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Posted by Randy Remington on May 12, 2003 at 13:29:10:

In Reply to: Good Point..more... posted by pmpimbura on May 12, 2003 at 11:30:30:

I think there will be combos and new ball morphs to chase for a long while after albinos, pastels, and ghost become common in pet stores.

What's wrong with colubrids? I think corns rock and are very good for the industry. Mostly any kid can buy a pair of corns with enough genes to keep them busy learning about snakes and genetics for a long time (not to say corns are only for kids, but they are an especially good starter snake). There are even people who make a good living raising corns. They work their butts off I'm sure producing thousands and thousands every year.

If ball pythons are more your thing and you have the high finances to work with something cutting edge and it works out that you made a good return without having to feed and sell thousands of animals then more power to you. However, as the ball python sector matures like the corn snake one has it's only natural that competition will increase and it will take longer and more work to get a return on investment and even getting one will be less certain. If everyone could do it and a high return was guaranteed then more breeders would spring up until that wasn’t the case. Some will be able to invest lots of $ to start off new morphs or combos and others will come later and invest lots of sweat to mass produce them. Every body works hard and worries about their investments but hopefully most get rewarded for it and enjoy the work and as a side effect the public eventually gets the new morphs.

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