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My Solution

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Posted by Whalesong on May 04, 2003 at 15:18:47:

In Reply to: My Solution posted by stevo1606 on May 04, 2003 at 11:57:02:

The problem then is, what do I do with a sulcutta, anaconda and a gray rat? I already have three ball pythons and a prairie dog. If I brign in any more animals, then I will be violating pet rules and I lose the right to point out other people's violations. The semester ends in two weeks. I can probably take the gray rat without too much trouble, since I have a setup ready to go for him, but what about the others? I spoke with the school Pet Council about having the girl warned, but they said it was so late in the year there was nothing they could do. (BULL SH@T). They just don't want to be bothered. Sigh.


:Heres my solutions to both the dorm snakes and the petstore guy. STEAL THEM FROM HIM/HER. I know many people might not like this but this is a living life. Not some rock you can just throw away. The animal's life, health and well being is at risk. For the dorm girl's snak, just go in and take it. Make it look like it escaped or soemthing. I know the petstore one is harder, but you could call the local animal shelter and inform them. I'm by no means saying give it to the shelter....but when you get an agency involved most people get scared.
:I know a girl who has killed every animal she has ever had. She now has a puppy which is SUPER skinny...i can tell you right now she's not gonna have that pup for long.
:Its called ANIMAL LIBERATION....who cares what the law says, a life is a life, would people just watch a kid being chained to a floor filled? I think not...

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