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chinese "red headed" garters?

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Inviato da J.Dexter on Giugno 12, 1999 at 21:50:31:

i have acquired a red head garter ...(what it is called in the pet trade , anyway) ..and i cannot find anything about it on the internet. i have also been to the public library to no avail. this snake has a long slender build like a ribbon snake, as well as a slender head. stripes
run the length of the body like a sirtalis ssp. and there are small brownish saddles much like a dekays snake, that are broken by the afromentioned stripes.
the head and roughly one tenth (anteriorly) of the body is a rusty brown color. someone has advised me that this is a natrix vittatas ssp. i am inclined to agree
it is a natrix ssp. i have been to the EMBL reptile database and there is only 3-4 natrix ssp. covered there. is there anyone out there that is familiar with these snakes...or can reccomend a book they might be profiled in? why is there so little info on asain snakes out there? the snake in question is doing fine btw :) very docile, adjusted...and loves bait shop minnows!
thanks for any info ,

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