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Re: Takydromus sexlineatus (Long tailed grass lizard)

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Posted by RB on December 15, 2001 at 09:22:58:

In Reply to: Takydromus sexlineatus (Long tailed grass lizard) posted by Esther on November 18, 2001 at 11:21:32:

: Hi. I just came into possession of a m/f pair of these lizards, and I cannot seem to find ANYTHING much on the web about them. They are a young pair, and I rescued them from becoming feeders because their very long tails had been broken off to about 4-6". Otherwise, they seem fine. The male is the color of deerskin with 2 light dorso-lateral stripes, and the female is a soft grey-green with shadings of deerskin brown on her sides. I would like to know

: 1. What country are they native to?
: 2. What is their natural history?
: 3. What is their maximum size?
: 4. What would be the best sort of setup for them?
: 5. Do they sound like they're of any particular subspecies? I have seen Takydromus sexlineatus in pet shops with tiny black spots, and without, seeming like 2 different subspecies.

: Right now I have them in with my Eremias arguta, a Eurasian Steppe Racerunner, on a soil/ground orchid bark substrate with a couple of live plants and some silk ones, a UVB bulb and a basking light, and a few pieces of broken brick. They seem very happy there. Could they stay with my Eremias? This tank is part of an exhibit I put in my high school classroom about Eurasian lizards, and I hope to add a few Podarcis sicula also, to represent Western Europe-->Eurasia-->Asia in lizards.

: Thanks for any information.
I too have n Asian Long-tail. Well, obviously they are native to Asia. What their exact range is, I dont know. But i would like to think it would be in ares with lots of rain, warm temperatures, and lots of stuff to climb on.
From your description of your Vivarium it sounds very nice. These Lizards are arboreal so make sure they have more than enough stuff to climb on. You may witness it digging. Don't freak out if you do, it's normal. Now, You are housing it with a Ermias. I'm not an expert on Ermias but as long as their fine, there's no problem. Long-tails are community Lizards so as long as the lizards are about the same size and tempermant, you can house them together. In case you want to add any other type of lizards, i have suggestions. Green anoles are great with long-tails, in fact, mine live with anoles. The only thing you mt do diffrently is to Mist them real good 3 times a day. anoles dnt drink out of dishes. they are Dew lappers, so they drink off of leaves. My best friend also houses his long-tail with five-lined skinks. You dont need to do anything iffrent with these lizrds added in your vivarium. I hope this helps, if you have any questions, email me at:

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