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Cracked glass

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Posted by markj on May 13, 2003 at 19:13:52:

Well My thought flawless heating system has failed. I have been using a little box heater to heat and cool my tank. Its one that you can get at hardware stores and set the temperature its called like a box heater or something. Well this morning when I woke up my terrarium was around 64 degrees so I thought I would warm it up. I have done this many many times before in teh winter to get it warmed up. I turned it on its lowest setting, low which is around 75-83 degrees I think. It was closer than usual to the glass. And I was I was getting dressed I heard a large pop! After figuring out what happened and many profantities I began to sort out what happened. There is now a large branch of crachs around 3 inches long in about half an inch of each other brancing from the front ot the tank. One extends to the backside of the tank, this was all on the side of the terraium. All the frogs seem find and nothing is leaking. I want to reseal this to make sure it doesn't crack or fall over. does anybody have any suggestions? I think I have figured out the cause, too hot too quickly, too close, glass weakened over time. any others? Thanks, oh and by the way the heater has now been taken out of service.

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