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A note to your lady from another

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Posted by shopaholic on May 12, 2003 at 18:24:06:

In Reply to: A note to your lady from another posted by Slaytonp on May 12, 2003 at 10:21:52:

Once again, Patty, you have provided me with good information while entertaining me beyond my usual need to sit in front of the TV and render myself a vegetable. Your first comments were such a well exaggerated farce on the rediculous man bashing attitudes(that seems to have wounded folks like our good friend Krobar) that I half didn't know weather to first kram a sock into my mouth for laughing uncontrollably at 2AM or to write a follow up explaining to any possibly offended parties who did not fully grasp your obvious jovial attempts to make a point. If we could all just wrestle with each other like your Imitators and not be so hurt to make a come back in maintaining relationships perhaps we would not have in this world those "feminist", or "Chauvanist" views that have been so troubling. I think we can take a lesson from your Imitators, that aggression when worked out and not taken to literal death can actually make us stronger and live peacefully. But alas, I'd rather talk about the frogs...why do you think imitators will not fight to the death and Tincs will?

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