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Posted by kyle1745 on May 11, 2003 at 07:33:40:

In Reply to: New to the forum. posted by joseph1 on May 11, 2003 at 02:00:18:

I wouldn't say they have to have it, but at least a place like a brom that always has water in it. I think the streams, and waterfalls are more for us. The frogs could careless. I have a water fall in my Azureus tank, and have yet to see them in the water.

I'm no expert but thats my take on responsees I got asking the question myself when I frirst started...

:I was told by the breeder that I'm getting my frogs from that they don't have much use for standing or running water and won't drink from it. However I've recently seen pics of darts in water? So, now I'm confused, if I add a small stream to my vivarium will my tincs make use of it?


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