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painted mantella problems...

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Posted by hecktick_punker on May 10, 2003 at 13:18:54:

In Reply to: painted mantella problems... posted by Becky on May 09, 2003 at 11:50:14:

Hi Becki,

I remember that when I cared for a friends painted mantellas they were pretty shy unless there was food around, nothing like the bold golden mantellas. When the temperature gets too hot mantellas will go to the coolest part of the cage which is usually under a moist clump of moss or a dark hiding spot. 76 isn't too hot but its in the high part of their temperature range. You could experiment with bringing the temperature down to see if that helps at all. The change in color may be due to a lack of something in their diet. Nekton-rep has a vitamin suppliment that has "color enhancers" in it that you might want to try. The color in many species of frogs will also fade when they are stressed so you might just want to give it some time. I would also recomend getting a larger tank for them. Good luck!


:I am not sure about my two painted mantellas. When I got them (wild caught) they had bright yellow/green patches. Now the patches are starting to turn black. Why is this happening? Their legs hardly have any orange on them either, but they looked like that when I got them. One of them is about normal size and one is VERY VERY fat.

:Also, They are extremely shy. The thinner one, in fact, is probably a female judging by how fat she was when I got her...but now, she hides all the time and is starving herself because of it. I put them back in a quarantine tank again today to get her to eat. My two blushing mantellas are out all the time. If anyone has painteds, what kind of setup do you have them in?


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