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painted mantella problems...

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Posted by H BlueDevil H on May 09, 2003 at 17:39:36:

In Reply to: painted mantella problems... posted by Derek Benson on May 09, 2003 at 16:46:02:

Yes there are many Hybrids do to mixing the species in captivity and in the wild too but there is no stopping that. Mantellas are just comming into the hobby and more and more of us are trying to get captive bred animals to lessen the importing. But anyway back to your tank. You definatly need a larger tank. Mantellas need alot of space and without the space they will not be active. A ten gallon tank would be the very minimum for two animals. Even the ten gallon would have to be heavily planted in some way and kept cool as much as pobbible. They love frequent misting if not long mistings. If the temp is over 80 or @ 80 in my tanks the mist will stay on until the temp drops.

Also I have found that my mantellas love to climb on ledges and rocks, so if you get a ten gallon take advantage of the vertical space you have. Make sure there are many hide spots and many plants. Once they get used to their new home they will come out all day I gurantee (sp?) they will. Wild caught animals arent the best to start with but if thats what you have thats what you gotta deal with. I started from WC and to be honest they are very prolific! :)

My suggestions summed up:

-Get a larger tank, you frogs will love the space as they need it.
-Use a PC fan to keep the tank cool or even a regualr fan. directed toward the tank.
-Mist several times a day for at least half hour each time. They dont like the heat and they will die if exposed 2 too much heat (80) or more for too long of a time.
-for Painted Mantellas along with other highland species: Take advantage of all the vertical space you have in a tank. They love high areas, males call from high spots.
-Live moss and live plants provide better cover and more humidity in the tank.
-75-100% humidity at all times unless you plan on stimulating them to breed.

Hope this helps,


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