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This gets deep

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Posted by khoff on May 06, 2003 at 16:52:21:

In Reply to: This gets deep posted by Mark W. on May 05, 2003 at 21:07:39:

::This discussion could get complex. Mrfrog has a good point, I do remember the dark Azureus, it seems they were much like the Cobaltblue Tincs of today. And Brian's discussion below about what is an imitator (or variabilis, or other)is so to the point. This frog world is still being discovered. A couple days ago there was a discussion about Black Auratus. Well, they look alot like the Trinidad pioson frog to me. Are they a different species? Is it just a marketing name? Is the dealer Giving the correct info? It's a tough business out there, just look at Double J's post below from the UK press. That may be a white morph of imtermuiduis or it may be a washed out imitator are it may even be an as yet undescribed species. Which ever, It sounds interesting. Let us know what you find out.


:Yeah, my kahlua and creams I got from Patrick N. in January looked alot like the black auratus do until they started maturing now they have changed colors quite a bit.Who knows, it may be a scheme to sell a new morph but could just be an immature kahlua and cream, who am I to say though.....Mark W.

I'm sure there are some people that might try and pass juvi kaluha and cream auratus as jet black, but jet black auratus do exist. I have two adults. All still black. One though, in the right lighting you can see a faint green pattern like that of a plain costa rican. I have a jew pics on my website, they aren't great though.
Kevin Hoff

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