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Need your wisdom about imitators

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Posted by Mark W. on May 05, 2003 at 19:57:44:

In Reply to: Need your wisdom about imitators posted by shopaholic on May 05, 2003 at 00:01:00:

:I searched the archives but I still need some more council on Thumbnails. I just acquired a pair of Tinks and took 5 months to research, learn, and put together their tanks-I wanted to be super secure on info and prepared. I would have liked to reasearch another couple of months or more til I had a prolific amount of info on Imitators, but the Frog day in San Jose is just around the corner, and I just moved heaven and earth to clear my schedule to go. What do you think, Thumbnail owners:

:1. Is it premature to get any imitators with just a month of experience on Tinks?

:2. Are imitators the easiest, hardiest, boldest, prolific enough of the Thumbnails?

:3. Will any of the vendors present at the show likely to have any of them? And has anyone had anyone reputable to recommend? Or is still seemly most recommended?

:4. How many Imitators can be kept together, what is the minimum size requirement(I know for the Tinks 10 Gal/frog)So is it the same or less per imitator frog?

:I am trying to be as responsible as I can, I just hate to miss out on the opportunity of the show plus I think I'll hardly be able to keep myself from getting something at an event that will relagate me to being like a child in a candy store. So, I am asking ahead to prevent something impulsive from happening if it is very unwise or at least gather as much info in the time I have left. Know what I mean? thanks!!

I am no expert but I only had my first frogs,Costa Rican auratus,for about4 months before I got my imitators.I had a 1.2 for awhile but it seemed that the females were stomping each others eggs so I traded one of the females off. Theyare great frogs and mine have laid quite a few eggs and I just sent out my first 6 froglets today.I have slowed mine down some by letting them take care of a tad in a brom.It sureis cool watching my male call the female to the brom to lay the infertile eggs for the tad.I have a pair in a 20h vert and they are kinda shy but I don't get to see them in the morning when they seem to be the most active except on the weekends.I had to wait 3 months for mine so good luck finding them unless your lucky.I was on Patrick N.'s waiting list and was evry happy that I did it.Good luck on your hunt for them.
Mark W.

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