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Nutritional Yeast is NOT Brewer's Yeast

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Posted by Homer1 on May 03, 2003 at 18:58:36:

In Reply to: Where do you guys buy brewer's yeast ? posted by kyle1745 on May 03, 2003 at 13:53:52:

Brewer's yeast IS sold at most health food stores, and IS a form of active yeast. That's what I use, and I would venture to say that it IS what people use in fruit fly cultures when "brewer's yeast" is called for. The Drosophila larvae actually feed on live yeast, so I would expect that one would want to use active yeast rather than inactive nutritional yeast in a ff culture.

While it's not dirt cheap, the active brewer's yeast is relatively inexpensive. At a retail price of $5 per lb., I have made about 1 gallon of the dry mix for $7 worth of ingredients (about 1 lb brewer's yeast, an economy box of potato flakes, and about a half bag of confectioner's sugar). That's still VERY reasonable when compared to buying a pre-made mix. Yes, you can pay more for brewer's yeast that is special formulated for microbrewing your own beer, but that's like buying Mobil 1 motor oil for your lawn mower (which I actually do, so maybe that's a bad example).

If you do try out the nutritional yeast, though, let me know how it comes out. I'd be interested in hearing the results.


:That is very cheap. I will have to try some after what I have bought gets used up. It also looks very fine.
:Thanks for the link,

:::Try for bulk powder nutrient supplement type. There are other sources for brewing beer, which are usually complex formulas of live Saccharomyes cerevisia strains mixed with other organisms such as lactobacillus, etc., but I don't think these are what is meant by Brewer's yeast in the fruit fly formulas.



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