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Where do you guys buy brewer's yeast ?

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Posted by Homer1 on May 03, 2003 at 11:40:41:

In Reply to: Where do you guys buy brewer's yeast ? posted by Marcin on May 03, 2003 at 09:40:10:

Brewer's yeast is an active form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and is very high in B complex vitamins, amino acids, and some minerals. It is a different yeast than baker's yeast (Saccharomycopsis fibuligera), and is usually recovered from the beer making process (hence the "brewer's yeast" denotation). The stuff I use has the general consistency of regular granulated sugar.

I never used brewer's yeast in my media prior to rasing frogs, and I believe it contributes GREATLY to the fly load. However, to be fair, I never used vinegar in my earlier mixes either. Furthermore, I figure that gutloading the flies with an amino acid and B-vitamin enriched medium can't hurt.

I bought my brewer's yeast on clearance at GNC during one of their Super Tuesday sales for $6 for 2 lb. That's pretty cheap from what I have seen elsewhere (normally $10 for the same can at GNC). If anyone else finds a beeter source for cheap Brewer's yeast, I'd love to know. I have seen it cheaper on the web, but shipping charges negated any savings.



:Is it much different then other types of yeast? Does it produce different results when culturing ff ?

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