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CP's and thumbs

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Posted by Homer1 on May 02, 2003 at 11:08:41:

In Reply to: butterworts and thumbs posted by Ferriera on May 02, 2003 at 09:03:15:

I've gotta agree with Brian on this one. I have a lowland Nepenthes (which are probably the best suited pitcher plants for dart frog terrarium conditions) which completely eliminated my problems with fungus gnats. However, the pitchers on this one are large enough that I would be a little concerned about using them in with thumbnails. No prob with larger darts like tincs, auratus, leucs, etc. as long as you consider the size of the pitcher. I think they're great plants, and mine is growing quite rapidly (I use RO water exclusively in my terrarium).

I don't know anything about compatibility of sundews or butterworts with frogs, so I just can't comment. However, I would suggest against venus flytraps or the sarracenias (North American pitcher plants) because their environmental needs are just too different from those of the frogs, and the plants will just end up dead sooner or later.

Good luck,


:You can supposedly keep pitcher plants in with darts. I have never had good luck with them in terrariums but my water is very hard. The ones I keep outs side of the terrarium and feed distilled water too do just fine. I know some one who's aurtus use to lay eggs in side the pitcher of the plant. I am not shore on Butterworts in a terrarium at least with the smaller frogs..personally I would not let my vents or fantasticus near them.
: Brian Ferriera JR
: Plympton, Ma

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