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A new tank, some q's on how to adjust minor things.

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Posted by kyle1745 on May 02, 2003 at 07:52:20:

In Reply to: A new tank, some q's on how to adjust minor things. posted by shopaholic on May 02, 2003 at 01:17:33:

1. Is 72 the lowest at night also? If so your fine. I think you need to worry if it gets to 68 or lower for a long period of time. Same for the other side, 80 or higher for a long time.

2. 90% is fine, my tanks stay at about 90-100 with misting every other day or so. Also I run fans on 2 of my tanks.

3. I think 48 hours from applications is the time you would need to wait.


:I just finished putting together a tank for a tink pair. Here are the stats:

:1. temp-72F.-76F.with Compact florescemt light on no fan on.
:How much more would you raise the temp, and how would you do it? I'm especially concerned about the night time temp 'cause the light will be off

:2.RH-75-90% with only the water fall in place. Humidifier in the works.

:3. the last Silicon application was Thursday morning 3:00AM. Would you guys say I should wait till Sunday morning to put them in?

:Pictures coming, I just finished a roll of film and need it to get developed. Thanks!!

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