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D. hydei medium recipes - ones the ones with high yield pls!

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Posted by Randy27 on April 30, 2003 at 19:35:00:

In Reply to: D. hydei medium recipes - ones the ones with high yield pls! posted by Marcin on April 30, 2003 at 12:13:53:

Yup, I know it sounds weird. I did it by accident the first time, so I tried putting it in afterwards, but I didn't nearly the amount of larvae as when I boiled it with it. I also add a 1/4 tablespoon of yeast to each container after it has cooled.

:You boil it with the yeast in ?

::I started raising heidi's about 1 and a half months ago and this recipe has yeilded more flies than I bargained for!

::1/4 cup molasses
::1/4 cup baker's yeast
::3/4 cup apple juice
::1 tablespoon of herptivite
::2:1 ratio of vinegar to water
::1 to 1 and a half cups potato flakes (enough to get a good consistancy)
::I boil it all for about 1-2 minutes
::then I put a little dash of baker's yeast on top.

::I have 2 cobalt's and 3 azures and my three cultures produce more flies than I can use! Good Luck!



:::sorry to ask this. I know there were many debates and posts about various types of media. Some were OK and some sucked. I've been recently experimenting with different types of concoctions myself, but I haven't gotten the result that I've been looking for. I don't get very high yields out of my hydei cultures. I'd like to hear your proven "winning" hydei specific recipes.

:::I know Ed's FM Inc recipe works great, but it's very expensive in the long run. I'd like to have a home made cost effective alternative.




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