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Using Fans to De-fog Glass

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Posted by kyle1745 on April 30, 2003 at 15:34:23:

In Reply to: Using Fans to De-fog Glass posted by rc_racer_007 on April 30, 2003 at 14:42:32:

It takes very small about of air. I am using a 40mm fan that only moves 7cmfs, and I am running it at about 50-60% of that. It keeps my 29gal fog free but still stays at 90% humidity. I only run this during the day with the lights. At night I let it fog up. I am just using a ACDC converter 300ma from radioshack. Then I have it turned down to 4.5amps. I use the same thing on my 20gal high, but it is a much bigger fan that only runs for 3-4mins an hour.


:ok i know theres a post below but i have questions that arent answered in it.

:if i get a cheap CPU power supply off ebay (or have a friend lift one from school :) ), how many fans can i hook to it? or does it vary?

:what sort of cpu fans should i like for? ex: rpm? size? power?

:My tank will be 36"x12"18" how many fans should i use and where should they be placed?

:just 2? one on each side of the tank towards the front?

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