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whats the name....

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Posted by Homer1 on April 30, 2003 at 11:01:04:

In Reply to: whats the name.... posted by Slaytonp on April 29, 2003 at 22:48:52:

I've got to agree that it's a great looking brom. I'll go ahead and venture a guess that it is a Neoregelia as well. In my limited experience, the Neoregelia leaves tend to "cup" (like yours seems to do) while Vriesia leaves are somewhat more flattened. I may have to get an N. "pepper" after seeing yours . . . I just have to make some more room. :p


::Actually, there are a couple neoregelias that look like that too. Going by the size of the galacs, I really doubt that is a Vresia as going by the size of the galacs, the brom in question is a lot bigger than the verisea.

::My guess is Neoregelia 'pepper' or a similar hybrid... there are numerous hybrids that are spotted like that but 'pepper' tends to be the most popular in the trade.

:I purchased both Neo. pepper and the Vresia racinae at the same time, but didn't keep track of the labels. This one is 6" in diameter and the older leaves turn back and curl. It hasn't grown much larger in a year. I took this photo tonight. It is one of my favorites and it's the only one in that tank the galacs like to sit in.


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