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Posted by Double J on April 29, 2003 at 13:10:59:

In Reply to: Fire Belly Toads + DARTS? posted by wanta68gt on April 29, 2003 at 12:55:07:

First, amphibians should not be mixed period. Fire belly toads will likely eat the dart frogs, as they are ravenous feeders and even bite each-other's feet/legs during feedings. Secondly, fire belly toads are almost ALWAYS wild-caught. This means that they are carrying a load or parasites that will kill your darts GUARANTEED! Plus, the toxins from the toads will likely kill the darts as well, as fire-bellies can even poison themselves. Amphibians should never be mixed in the first place. There are too many potential problems that will just result in frog death. Some mix Dendrobates with Phyllobates etc, but I still don't think it is in the best interest of the frogs, as it comes with it's own set of problems. Basically, nobody has ever given me one good reason how mixed tanks would benefit the frogs in any way, shape or form.
I hope this helps. I also hope I didn't sound rude, but I want to give you a clear warning as a mix such as that will only result in disaster.
Double J

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