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Ben Green's 10gal vertical tank

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Posted by Mark W. on April 27, 2003 at 19:35:30:

In Reply to: Ben Green's 10gal vertical tank posted by jaso on April 27, 2003 at 13:31:05:


:Anyone know how he got the glass top to fit the tank perfectly? All the glass top i know come with a plastic piece that fits with the top to cover the entire tank top. I tried using a 24" glass top but it was too long so i guess i have to cut it. The instruction on his web site does not go into very much detail about the door, so if anyone know exactly how he did it feel free to email me the steps. Also i know this topic was discussed on frognet but i missed the first half of it and they have already been deleted.
:Oh ben if you are reading this, is there gaps between the glass top and the tank because i have gaps in mine that ff climb out of from time to time at the top of my tank and i would hate to have a gap on the side of the tank. How did you fix that gap problem?

I have a 20 h vert tank just like Ben's design and what I did was bought a top like you are talking about but just replaced the short side with a piece from a hardware store that is wider so the whole door is glass.I have had my pair of imitators in it for about 3 months and they are doing great.One suggestion I can make is make sure you silicon the side for your dominant hand.Mine swings to the right and I'm right handed so removing eggs and such is a chore with my left hand.I've made the mistake twice so try to learn from my stupidity,LOL.
Good Luck,
Mark W.

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