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my viv-in-progress, and more advise on plants

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Posted by jmorris on April 24, 2003 at 20:17:54:

Thanks for all the responsis to my previous post everyone! I thought in order to get more topical advise however, I'd try and explain my situation a little better.

I actually do not keep darts, I am primarily a lizard person (though darts are probably in my future), but I try to utilize many aspects of viv technology and maintenance often used by dart keepers.

I am currently making a 16" wide x 16" deep x 36" tall viv for some green anoles. I'll be usign a substrate mix loosly based on the ABG mix. I will incorporate a shallow false bottom for drainage, and a partitioned pool with a stream running into it from a sump. I am separating the drainage and flowing water in order to minimize the chance of the anoles drinking water contaminated by there waste, as they produce much more waste than frogs, and are quite susceptible to parasite build-up if allowed to ingest any fecal mater. I'd like to plant a wide asortment of plants, from ferns, to tillandsias, to mosses in this tank (see my post bellow "Pillow Moss, Tillandsias, and Acorus...").

I will be lighting this tank with 2 105 compact fluorescents, this is the bulb, as well as one 28 watt compact fluorescent UV bulb made by ESU, with a NANO ballast from With all this c.f. light, I may not even need a spot bulb for heat, but I may need to add one... we'll see. I will be misting the tank manually to start, but may eventually add a Barrs misting system.

I've also found this great tropical plant supplier which has a wonderful variety of tillandsia, including a Guatemalan clone of Tillandsia Usneoides (Spanish Moss), which is supposed to be more tropical than the original from the US.

That's the plan so far... any comments or suggestions?


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