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Spanish moss

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Posted by Homer1 on April 24, 2003 at 06:58:29:

In Reply to: Pillow Moss, Tillandsias, and Acorus... posted by jmorris on April 23, 2003 at 23:59:23:

I have a single strand of spanish moss hanging from a branch in the top of my terrarium. It's been there for about three months and has grown maybe 1/4" (and it "flowered" once--not too spectacular). You just need to make sure that it gets enough air movement that it doesn't rot, and gets enough light--basically the same care as other silvery Tillandsia's.


:Does anyone know if the "live sheet moss" sold by Black Jungle is tropical pillow moss? If so, anyone care to comment on the quality of their moss if you've gotten some? If not, what type of moss is it, and what conditions does it prefer?
:Anyone had success with Tillandsia usneoides (Spanish moss) in a viv?
:Also, has anyone tried growing Acorus in a viv? It is typically used submerged in aquariums, but it does just as well in boggy, heavily moist soil, or with just its roots planted under water. I think it might make a nice addition to a viv water feature.

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