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Another river, different material

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Posted by Slaytonp on April 23, 2003 at 23:01:52:

In Reply to: Another river, different material posted by kyle1745 on April 23, 2003 at 20:39:31:

:Nice, is it possible to color the clay?


: You can purchase dry powdered tints and mix with the dry Winterstone before you add the water and make your clay, as well as coloring it later. It might be a bit more difficult to control the tones and shade this way and keep it consistent from layer to layer. (But then, natural rock isn't consistent, either). Some of the outlets that deal art paints carry the dry powder colors. I've seen them, but can't recall in which catalogs. The same source that supplies Winterstone also has something called Tints.all, which is a paste in a variety of colors. This is what I used to color the sealer, but I don't know why it wouldn't mix just as well with the Winterstone after the water is added, as it will tint Latex, Alkyds, oil, polyvinyl, etc. I was just experimenting and "winging it," so probably went through some unnecessary steps to find out what eventually seemed to work. Patty

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