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Does anybody know for sure what species this is???

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Posted by Remco on April 23, 2003 at 11:09:11:

In Reply to: Does anybody know for sure what species this is??? posted by Ferriera on April 23, 2003 at 10:44:30:

I've been asking around, been talking to alot of people.. Including some very knowledgeable people. As I understand it used to be pictus that was a trashcan for alot of frogs that looked very much alike. Now pictus has been split up into several species; pictus, hahneli, femoralis, bolivianus, flavopictus and a few others I believe. Still there are more different types and color morphs then there are names to call them. And so i've been told that hahneli is the new trashcan for alot of frogs and/or color morphs that have not been discribed yet. Also in the book 'Artenteil Peru' by Rainer Schulte, this species or color morph is not mentioned. So now I'm looking for anybody who can give me more info than what I have at this moment. Anybody ever been to Peru and seen them?? Where was that?

And as I told in a previous message.. The belly is white.
Some more in the looks of the frogs.. It's got all the flashmarks just as my pictus have (3 pairs of them) just a little smaller.
Size; 2 cm in females 1,5/1,8 cm in males

When I think of some more I'll let you know.

Greetings Remco

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