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Posted by GregL on April 22, 2003 at 11:22:24:

In Reply to: Nepenthes posted by dvknight on April 22, 2003 at 10:49:52:

:I have 6 small Nepenthes hybrids mounted on vines and cork in my 50 gallon vivarium. All of these were purchased at home depot for 5 dollars each. Last week, Home Depot had a large Nepenthes hybrid with 2 inch pitchers...for $7.37! I have placed this in a 20 gallon high vivarium I am setting up for my leucs. All of the Nepenthes at Home Depot come from Gubler's Orchids (

:If you do a search on the archive on Nepenthes you will find that someone had posted about Black Jungle having auratus laying eggs in Nepenthes pitchers, and producing viable tadpoles. After reading that, I decided I would not worry about "frog eating plants." If I ever see a problem, the frogs obviously have priority over the plants!

:Nepenthes are well suited to vivarium conditions for they don't require a dormancy period like other carnivorous plants. To be honest with you, I don't know why more people don't have them in their vivaria, for they are epiphytes which thrive...and look very cool! I will try to get some pics within a week or so.

:Let me know if I can help with anything else.


The Drosera that I chose (Drosera Adelae) has requirements that would seem to be ideal for my vivarium.Low light,high humidity,temperature range of 70-90F. I found mine on Ebay,but I'm sure if you looked around you could find them cheaper elsewhere. This plant is a native of Austrailia.

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