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Re: FF Media

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Posted by kyle1745 on April 21, 2003 at 20:19:00:

In Reply to: Re: FF Media posted by Homer1 on April 21, 2003 at 17:02:21:

Homer, do you have any problems with mold? I have bought all the rest of the ingrediants, but could not make up my mind to get hold inhibitor or not. I'll mix some up tomorrow to try.

How does it work with Heidi?


:1) Buy or make--that's a personal preference. I have always made my own (except when I was able to bring some of the Carolina mix home from the lab), and found it to be as good or better than the Carolina mix . . . and lots cheaper. My media is super simple and effective for me.

:2) Unless the media is vitamin/mineral fortified, it doesn't matter to your frogs whether you bought or made the fly media.

:3) Several people swear by Ed's, but I haven't used it. I use 2 cups instant mashed potato flakes, 1/4 cup brewer's yeast, and 1 cup sugar. That's mixed up in a 1 gallon Ziploc, and I just dip it out as I need it. The dry goods go directly in the deli cup (or quart mason jar), and I mix it up with a solution of 1/2 H20, 1/2 distilled white vinegar until the proper consistency is reached (the vinegar=acetic acid, and is the mold inhibitor--does the same thing as propionic acid or whatever other mold inhibitor you would consider). Then I sprinkle on some active baker's yeast and throw in a folded coffee filter for the flies to crawl on. Price it out, but the most expensive part is the brewer's yeast (about $8/lb). Personally, I'm set for the year on about $10-$12 worth of supplies (I don't count vinegar or sugar as an expense, because we always have it on hand). But, then again, I only have about 4-6 cultures going at any given time right now.

:4) Mix it up in the cup. You don't waste mix that way, and it's not as messy.

:Hope this helps.


::i got a few media question.
::1)Is it better to make your own media or buy it?
::2)Which is better for the frogs?
::3)a 4 liter bag of ED's Super Instant Enhanced Fruit Fly Media is $29, how much would it (roughly/est) cost to make 4 liters of home made media with mold inhibitor?
::4) on ED's site is says "Add 1/3 cup of media and ½ cup of hot water, swirl to mix, let cool. Add 1/16 teaspoon of bakers yeast and flies." are you adding all of that directly into the deli cup or a pot then pouring it into the deli cup?

::thanks in advance!


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