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Re: FF Media

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Posted by kyle1745 on April 21, 2003 at 13:07:52:

In Reply to: FF Media posted by rc_racer_007 on April 21, 2003 at 11:02:46:

I have not used Ed's YET, but plan to try it. As for mixing here is what you do:

1. Put medium in the container
2. add water
3. swirl around a bit
4. sprinkle yeast on top

All this is in the actual container you are going to keep the flies in. You can also spray the yeast with a sprayer, just a little to help activate the yeast. Some people even make the yeast into a paste before adding it.

I would like to hear some answers on the making medium. I currently use Carolina medium, and have just started to gather the ingrediants to make some of my own. I need to get some mold inhibitor.


:i got a few media question.
:1)Is it better to make your own media or buy it?
:2)Which is better for the frogs?
:3)a 4 liter bag of ED's Super Instant Enhanced Fruit Fly Media is $29, how much would it (roughly/est) cost to make 4 liters of home made media with mold inhibitor?
:4) on ED's site is says "Add 1/3 cup of media and ½ cup of hot water, swirl to mix, let cool. Add 1/16 teaspoon of bakers yeast and flies." are you adding all of that directly into the deli cup or a pot then pouring it into the deli cup?

:thanks in advance!

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