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I got them because.....

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Posted by ALanolis on May 06, 2003 at 16:37:46:

In Reply to: I got them because..... posted by kidgecko on May 06, 2003 at 16:24:14:

:I got them because (after a month of research) they are quite an interesting captives. I have had them for about a year and they are both males due too under-trained employee mistake. Should I let them go in my large side garden (very well planted).

You shouldn't let them go. They've been in captivity too long. It's hard to tell how their wild behavior has changed having been in captivity for a prolonged period of time. Some instincts may have been hindered or repressed due to captive conditioning. Not to mention, they were purchased from a pet store. While being in the pet store, being shipped around, being in cages that previously housed gosh knows what, the strong possibility exists that they picked up something (pathogens, internal parasites, external parasites), and it would be bad to then allow them to transmit these things in the wild.

If they're both males, you'll need to separate them. If you honestly do not wish to keep them, and you know you will rid of them inevitably, prepare a small test/quiz or application form that could be used to screen potential successors. This will allow you to make sure they can properly care for the Anoles. Right from the start, warn them that the two males cannot housed together, and direct them to as many Anole care resources you can. Try and give any books you'd be willing to part with, and feel free to mention this forum and websites such as my online guide. Be sure the new owner is competent enough before given them the Anoles.


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