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Posted by TomSpinker on May 04, 2003 at 18:51:08:

I posted a photo of an anole here on 11 April 2003 and asked if you guys could
confirm that it was a Bark Anole.

Immediately after that, Kingsnake changed their format, or something, and when
I followed my bookmark I was taken to some past messages in the forum.
I thought my post had been deleted.
So I did more searching on Bark Anole, and found some more information.
Eventually my searching got me back to this forum and I found that my post was
still here, with some responses. By then more than a week had passed, so I decided
to try to get some more photos before I posted anything else.

So, a belated "thank you" to the people who replied to my post.

I am aware that there are several species of anoles which are so similar in
appearance that it is necessary to count scales or to perform
DNA analysis in order to make a positive ID.
However the info that I found, and other photos
I have looked at, make me reasonibly convinced that the photo was a Bark

A website by University of Florida lists 8 species of anoles which breed in Florida.

This was published in 1996 so it could be out-of-date.

Taken from

  • Knight Anole             
    Anolis equestris
  • Green Anole              
    Anolis carolinensis

  • Hispaniolan Green Anole    
    Anolis chlorocyanus

  • Jamaican Anole            
    Anolis garmani
  • Brown Anole            
    Anolis sagrei

  • Bark Anole                
    Anolis distichus

  • Large-headed Anole      
    Anolis cybotes

  • Crested Anole             
    Anolis cristatellus

The Brown Anole is by far the most commonly-seen lizard in south Florida.
Brown Anoles vary greatly in pattern and coloration.
I had been ignoring Bark Anoles when I saw them, thinking that they were a color
variation of a juvenile Brown Anole.

The Bartlett & Bartlett book: Field Guide to Florida's Reptiles and
lists some ways to distinguish a Bark Anole
from a Brown Anole.

The Bark Anole is more arboreal. It stays on the trunk or large limbs of a tree
and flees upward when approached.

The Bark Anole is only 2/3 the size of the Brown Anole.

The Bark Anole has a relatively shorter tail. Brown Anoles have tails which are
nearly 2x SVL. Bark Anoloes tails are slightly more than 1x SVL.

Bark Anoles do not dart from place to place as rapidly as Brown Anoles. Instead
they waddle rapidly, like a gecko.

I went looking for more of this type of anole.
I tried Matheson Hammock Park on the Atlantic Ocean in the first
suburb south of Miami.

The first photo is from 22 April 2003 in the early afternoon
at Matheson Hammock Park.

I also checked at Castello Hammock park, which is in south suburban Miami, but
away from the ocean. And at Curtis Park and Sewell Park on the NW side of the
city of Miami, near the river.

At Matheson, I think I can identify four species of anole. Namely: sagrei,
distichus, carolinensis,
and equestris. In that order of frequency.

At Castello, most anoles were sagrei, but I saw two distichus.

At both Sewell and Curtis, distichus were the most common anoles (at least on
the trees, where I was looking.) There were also sagrei and carolinesis.

This second photo is also from Matheson Hammock Park on 22 April 2003 in the early

This is the best photo I could get of the dewlap. The dewlaps that I saw were
pale green; some had a small amount of orange in the center.

This photo is from Sewell Park in Miami.
03 May 2003 about 11:00 am.
This type of anole is abundant at Sewell Park.

I am convinced that these three photos are all Bark Anoles Anolis distichus.

The range map in the Barlett & Bartlett book (1998) shows these anoles occuring only
in Dade and Broward Counties.

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