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Anole is not eating...

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Posted by shortydsm on May 02, 2003 at 01:48:23:

My (green) anole hasn't eaten in about 10 days. I offer him mealworms, crickets & even waxworms (his favorite) but he won't take any of them! I am starting to see his ribs & his tail is growing really thin so it is worrying me.

He is in a 20 gallon tank with a funny, friendly blue anole and the humidity gauge is always in the green zone (which is more than 50%) and the temp is about 90 in the basking area.

I always take good care of the little guys so I have no idea why he won't eat!? Today I gave hime a pureed/liquified fruit & veggie mix w/supplements & he took that at least, prbably b/c I tricked him into thinking it was water. What should I do? I was thinking of putting him in a a 10 gallon by himself or taking the blue anole out? Please, any tips, comments would be great!

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