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ideal misting schedual?

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Posted by archie on April 29, 2003 at 13:26:42:

In Reply to: ideal misting schedual? posted by jmorris on April 29, 2003 at 03:03:37:

you are going to have to experiment with your setup to find the best timing for misting.

I would think that you should have a mist for a few minutes in the morning after the lights come on in order to bring the humidity level up to around 80 or 90%. Depending on lots of factors, I would have a few very short mists through out the day (maybe once, twice, three times, whatever you figure out) to keep the humidity between 50% and 70%. I would probably have another big mist around 4 or 5 in the afternoon (to simulate the afternoon rain storms they have almost every day in Florida). That would probably do it. I would not mist overnight.


:With a good misting system like B.A.R.R.s, one can mist many times a day, at exact intervals. So, I'm wondering when is the best time to mist? should there be misitng overnight?


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