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Re: eggs

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Posted by bluefirefly on April 19, 2003 at 23:00:47:

In Reply to: Re: eggs posted by anoleboy11 on April 17, 2003 at 12:47:07:

You should probably remove the egg, and put it in moist vermiculite (not sure about that spelling), Adults could eat the babies, so you want to keep them separate You want to keep the egg moist, but not too moist, maybe someone else can help you with that part. I'm not an expert. Also when you remove the egg, I think your supposed to keep it in the same position it is in, I think there might be an air bubble in it or something and if you flip it over the baby can't breath right. The egg needs to be kept warm too, but I don't remember what temperature. You should have some fruit flys or pinhead crickets ready for when it does hatch. The baby might not eat right away, but after a day or two it should.

::I think i might be getting baby anoles, about a week ago i saw one of my anoles digging a whole and yesterday i saw her squatting over a whole. what are prabably the chances? how long will it take? can i keep the babys in the same 10 gallon long take as the two parents or should i get another? do i have to give the cage any extra care since i want an egg? if they hatch should i give them any special care? thank you.

:P.S it's me again i was watching them later and also saw this: they where both nodding there heads, and the male anole ate SIX medeum meal worms


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