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Re: brown anoles

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Posted by Tim L. on April 05, 2003 at 20:05:02:

In Reply to: brown anoles posted by gyke on April 05, 2003 at 19:37:18:

This isn't quite normal, I'm afraid. But it is normal that the anoles will be a little dark brown or seems to look a little disappointed first when they enter a new enclosure. But hiding behind the water dish and not coming out has a problem. This is a serious sign of stress. It's probably because you've got a male for your female a little too late. Your female isn't used to males. When in the petstore, females and males are all housed together, and therefore they'll mate, do all kinds of stuff, etc. But when she got to your home, she might haven't seen any males for a while, and forgot about them. Now she has to get used to them again. But it'll take a while. If you keep both of them in the cage, she will be harassed by the male pretty badly, and will eventually experience intense stress levels, which will lead her to bad health. I suggest you to seperate them if your female stays behind the water dish with dark brown coloration for more than one or two days. And when the breeding season returns, try returning her back to male's cage.


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