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Re: knight anole care?

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Posted by ALanolis on March 29, 2003 at 11:07:41:

In Reply to: knight anole care? posted by crazycorn on March 26, 2003 at 16:31:31:

Believe it or not, my site's care info can be applied to a Knight Anole. For Anole care, especially for the more commonly kept species, is somewhat universal. The only difference is the size of the Anole. My guide centers on green and brown Anoles, so a lot of the info bares in mind how small they are. So some things such as "10 gallons per Anole" and "Feed small insects" obviously wouldn't work with a Knight Anole. But things such as setup, cage furniture, bedding, heating, lighting, humidity, general diet, vitamins, health, cleaning/disinfecting cage, and such all can be applied. Just remember, Knight anoles are a lot bigger, so issues dealing with size, won't always apply. Allow me to translate some things now:

1. Knight Anoles don't need small crickets or worms. They can take on large crickets, and decent sized worms. Just remember, if the insect is more than 2/3 the size of the Anole's head, about the size of the space between it's eyes, it's too big.

2. One knight Anole would thrive best in a 70 gallon tank, seeings how they're roughly 7x bigger in overall mass than a green Anole, if not bigger, and one green Anole does best in a 10+ gallon enclosure.


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