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Re: would knights eat adult gtf?

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Posted by ALanolis on March 26, 2003 at 10:48:19:

In Reply to: would knights eat adult gtf? posted by HerpGirl on March 26, 2003 at 08:57:38:

There are several problems associated with feeding animals sold as pets. The biggest problem is obvious, they're sold as pets, not as feeders. Thus they're collected as such. Most places that breed feeders, if they care, do so under controlled conditions as to decrease the parasite and bacteria load of their feeders.

Green tree frogs are most often wild caught. This means they likely have internal parasites and the like. These would then pass on to anything you fed them to. And keeping a colony of frogs in the enclosure would require you to slightly alter the humidity settings, and they'd try to eat any insects small enough for them to eat that were intended for the Anole. They'd also make the cage a lot messier, faster.

If you truly want to feed your Knight tree frogs to vary his diet, you'd have to keep them in quarantine and keep them sanitary, healthy, and gutloaded. Basically you'd have to treat them like feeders. And you'd have to make sure they were in tip top shape.

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