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Re: lookin gravid...kind of a long post!

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Posted by archie on March 11, 2003 at 17:38:39:

In Reply to: lookin gravid...kind of a long post! posted by goodchicken on March 11, 2003 at 03:13:47:

Click on the link to go to a page with a few ideas for building a homemade incubator.

When my female green laid, I did not have an incubator and I just left the eggs where she put them and I had 2 hatch. There were two laid that did not hatch, and a few that I took out becuase I did not want them to hatch.

If you create even a simple incubator and monitor the temps fairly frequently, I would think you could have a fairly high hatch rate.

good luck

:I dont know whether this is good news or bad news. I dont have any experience with incubating eggs or anything, or how to make a place desirable for my female to lay. The enclosure I have her in right now has organic potting soil, probably 2-3 inches deep. I don't know if this is deep enough for her. I really hope so!!! I know what the eggs look like more or less, and would probably be able to identify them, but I am not sure what I should do about the temperature. I live in San Diego and the temperature drops to about 60 degrees during the night. During the day it has been (inside my house) at around 75-80 at most. Since my anoles have a heating lamp, they have a skewed sense of temperature.
: I know that you stated on your site that the eggs should be kept from 80-86 is this possible without an incubator? I dont know if I should get a small heating pad and mess with the amount of vermiculite I put in a container to get the adequate temperature on the surface. Does that sound like an okay idea??

:Just for everyones information, I promise that I will not be selling the babies off to people who are not going to give them the life that they deserve, even if this means keeping them. I would not mind giving them to people who are going to really take care of them, but knowing how people are about free stuff, and how little they think of it if they havent had to pay a lot for it, I am afraid to do that. I am definitely not going to give them away to any pet stores around here. They will probably be used as feeder animals, and I am not willing to raise cb babies for that reason.
:I will keep everyone posted, and would like ideas on how to create a good home-made incubator, or whether i should go out and buy one. I dont want to be caught off guard when she starts to lay.
:P.S. I have already significantly increased her calcium intake, just for everyone to know!!!

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