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Posted by ALanolis on March 10, 2003 at 09:18:54:

In Reply to: HELP! Sick Anole, Vet said he didn't know what it was! posted by spoothed on March 09, 2003 at 00:01:51:

Several things are usually the cause of paralysis in the hind legs: MBD or a similar condition, or, malnutrition.

- MBD can be caused by many things. If you give a D3 supplement on top of having UVB lighting, if you do not have UVB lighting, or if you do not give calcium supplements. How can this be corrected? Make sure your UVB is in the form of a good fluorescent light (Repti-Sun 5 and Repti-Glo 5 are good examples), and that the basking spot in the cage is less than 12" from the light. Make sure your Anoles get a good calcium supplement once or twice a week dusted on their insects. It must be a "no D3" forumla of calcium. Also make sure no D3 only supplements are given, such as those sun drops.

- Paralysis in the hind quarters usually indicates poor nutrition, usually linked to lack of vitamin B. This should be the case if you dust insects with a good multivitamin once or twice a week along side the calcium dustings. Examples of good multivitamins include Herptivite, or crushed Centrum pills. If you don't do this, start. And for the first 4 weeks, add a little brewers yeast to the dusting bag (the bag you put the powder+insects in to dust) for extra vitamin B.

- If your vet doesn't think it will hurt your Anole, a radiograph (X-Ray) may be performed to see if the spine itself is injured. X-rays can also diagnos MBD.


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