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Re: Question about mealworms...

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Posted by ALanolis on March 07, 2003 at 12:54:36:

In Reply to: Question about mealworms... posted by chris123 on March 06, 2003 at 19:22:20:

I always provided such worms in a small petri-dish like container. About 3 or 4 individual insects per day is sufficient for the average Anole. There are several things people do to "prepare" mealworms. Below I list them, along with their advantages and disadvantages.

1. Head crushing. Simply crush the head. This goes along with the popular belief that because mealworms have working mouth parts on top of being so hard to digest (due to chitin levels), that crushing the head is needed to prevent them from snacking on your Anole's stomach. The issue of whether or not they really do this is 50/50. I myself have seen considerable evidence. The disadvantage to this is that the worm often becomes inanimate. And a motionless bug doesn't attract most Anoles. If you do it just right, they will wiggle for a moment after you smash the head.

2. Cut the head off. This solves any problems aforementioned with the above scenario. It also exposes the innards, making digestion easier and more proficient. The disadvantage is similar to the one above, only worse. Most mealies don't move at all after you slice off the head.

3. Surgery. I call it this. It involves crushing the head slightly, and than making a small incision down the length of the worm to expose the innards.

I have some more info on my care guide, pages "Feeding" and "Insect care."


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