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Re: actually basilisks000......

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Posted by basilisk000 on February 28, 2003 at 13:00:42:

In Reply to: actually basilisks000...... posted by SASCHA on February 28, 2003 at 08:51:42:

I was just teasing harm intended.

Indeed they do. Sounded like it could be a juvenile male from the description.

:females do have throat fans just not as vivid in color and as large. they are also less apt to display them. my female has gotten into head bobbing displays with the male several times. even after he dominated her and set the ranks. and i am definite she is a female because she has just laid eggs and i witnessed them copulating. she is very young and my male is much more mature. but nonetheless, this kid's issue lies in his level of ability to aquire the proper materials necessary to provide adequate husbandry, and you offer nothing just a shot at Alanolis and some inaccurate information. he needs help keeping his anoles alive. dont try to be a big shot out here just help those who need it in the most humble way possible. Atleast Alanolis is offering husbandry advice. If you had a site like his you would be saying the same thing. Actually, I think he has a pretty substantial site. Better than most of them. And im sure you have checked it out in the past as well. So settle down there.

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