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What's up with the inflated prices?

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Posted by oldherper on April 23, 2003 at 20:10:59:

In Reply to: What's up with the inflated prices? posted by JDM on April 23, 2003 at 18:39:11:

I realize that they are more difficult some times to get started than others...I've started a whole bunch of them. It's just that after you pay $20.00 for unstarted babies and $35.00 for started babies and $75.00 to $100.00 for nice adults, it's hard to make yourself pay $75.00 for a baby. Sometimes I buy the babies for retail, sometimes to raise up for new bloodline for my colony. If I'm buying them for my colony, then it's not quite as bad. If I'm buying them to resell, then it's hard to make money if you have to pay $75.00 for an animal that you can only sell for $75.00.

:Frankly, I think that the prices are already way too low for alterna. They are difficult to work with. The hatchlings are a pain. They are also one of the most interesting and beautiful of all of the kingsnakes. Just 10 years ago they were going for double or triple of what they are selling for now. The price fell drastically a few years back, but no one will breed them seriously if you can only get $20 for them. Way too much work. I think that $75 for a feeding hatchling... even without a locale is a fair price. I think this is the price that the market will recorrect to ulimately. $100 for locale hatchlings. Just my opinion. They are not as easy to work with and are not as prolific as corns. If they were, then $20 is probably what the sustainable price would be.

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