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This is the ever popular, I can't feed my gray band snakes

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Posted by The_Jaguar on September 24, 2002 at 13:43:14:

I've never had a hatchling that didn't eat, I know they do. However I've never purchased some like that until now. There annoying me. I tried live, tried frozen/thawed, and scented (maybe they weren't scented enough?). Should I force feed them for a few weeks before brumatation in Nov. for 10 weeks? I hope I don't break them there tinnie, isn't there something else I'm not doing. Out of 3 none feeding hatchlings one fed on both live and frozen/thawed, I've no problem with her, the other two won't touch food. Any more suggestions before I try to pry there tinnie mouths open and let them sit for the winter time will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The Jaguar

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