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need help with a sick red headed agama

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Posted by tippieferret on August 04, 2002 at 21:08:10:

Okay this post really isn't for me, its for a neighbor. I am just a ferret freak and really don't know nothing about lizards of any sort.
My neighbor asked me to find out some information on a red headed agama because it is turning dark brown and isn't hardly eating at all. It is extremely emeciated from my point of view and they don't have the money at the moment to take it to the vet. The approximate age on the agama is around 2 years old it appears to be approximately 12 inches(dunno the cm) in length. The lizard is not active at all and will rarely move its head, before the illness it would run around the terrarium faster than a bolt of lightning. This is all the information that I have at the moment. I will try to get a picture of it as soon as I get my other computer running and find the digital camera.

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