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Re: appears to be a boomslang, Disphilodus typus n/p

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Posted by Craig on December 05, 2001 at 01:50:06:

In Reply to: Re: appears to be a boomslang, Disphilodus typus n/p posted by TD on December 04, 2001 at 02:23:04:

I am not too familiar with Leptophis, in fact I didn't even know it existed, but I did manage to find a picture on the web. The couring and eye colour is certainly correct, but the head shape doesn't quite seem to match your snakes, which has a definite Boomslang shape. Boomslangs are very variable snakes, and I have seen a few with a more yellow eye, but not nearly as yellow as your snakes.
The only other advice that I can give, is that Boomslangs have black edged scales, so you almost get the impression that they are black in colour beneath the scales, and when upset they can inflate their throats, not as much as a cobra, but more a thickening, and when they do this, you should be able to see a blue/black colouring below the throat. I still think it is a Boomslang, but I definitely am not an expert. Do you have any herp societies that may be able to help with id??
By the way that is really a great pic, it is a beautiful snake, whatever it is.

Good luck

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