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my frogs are "doing the nasty"

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Posted by Christie on December 27, 2000 at 19:47:31:

ok this is going to sound really weird and there is no doubt in my mind that you are all going to get quite a laugh when you read this but i have an aukward question. here goes...
i just got african albino clawed frogs for christmas and they are a male and a female. it is obvios what the plan was in buying two different sexes, my home had become breeding grounds. well anyway they hdnt done anything for a few days and i was kind of relived because my 5 year old neighbors have taken a liking to them and have decided to come and visit them regularly. then today i woke up around 10:00 to find what appeared to be pretty violent froggy sex going on in the tank. i left and now it is a quarter to 9 and they are still at it. i have a few questions... long are they going to do it?
2.they aren't attache "down there" so i was wondering where are their privats? many eggs does a female make at a time? many eggs will survive to become tadpoles and then baby frogs?
Thanks for your help everyone!

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