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Re: The Painted Reed Frog

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Posted by Rick on January 19, 2000 at 12:48:00:

In Reply to: The Painted Reed Frog posted by Marie Stewart on September 13, 1999 at 06:18:57:

Which form of the Painted Red Frog are you talking about? The Painted Reed Frog is part of the viridiflavus subgroup of Hyperbolius genus. There are 31 identified species in this group of frogs. The common name Painted Reed Frog is a creation of the pet industry used to label many unknown frog species that come from sub-saharan africa. Thus the confusion with which species that it may be. Look for the book: Treefrogs of Africa by Arne Schiotz. He is the world's most respected herpetologist on the subject of African anurans. Unfortunately this book has only been in print in english for about 6 months, previous to that it was only availbele in german. As for behaviour I have had some experience with reed frogs, and the group as a whole has very similar dietary behavior to most anurans. They climb on perches during the day (usually on tall grasses preferibly near water)and hunt at night when the humidity is higher. They eat small prey as most do not exceed 30mm Snout to vent. Other than that I cannot tell you much on the wild behavior of the species as mine have all been in captivity.
Good luch with your report.


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