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Posted by Raymond Moreno on August 13, 2002 at 19:41:40:

Hey folks,

I have a question that has been bugging me lately.

How can you tell a REAL leucistic dragon from a HYPO-MELANISTIC dragon??!!

The reason I ask is because I am debating wether to purchase a LEUCISTIC dragon from either "Mark LeShock," or "Dragon's Den". (They both claim to have the "real thing").

From the little that I know, a true LEUCISTIC dragon will have:

a) clear nails,

b) a "blue-coloring" around their eyes. (Based on the book, "The Bearded Dragon Manual" - by Advanced Vivarium Systems).

3) iris' that are dark. (Unlike some of the other dragons which have lighter iris').

The reason I ask is becouse the HYPO-MELANISTICS are pretty cheap (at around $150.00 - $200.00), whereas the LEUCISTICS are going for $500.00!!

Can ANYONE shed some light on this topic for me. Cuz I'de really hate to spend $500.00 on a dragon...which eventually turns-out to have hues of other colors - and not be totally white.


In Christ: Raymond

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