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Re: Import/cites permit questions

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Posted by rkreptiles on March 20, 2003 at 11:53:04:

In Reply to: Import/cites permit questions posted by panhead on March 19, 2003 at 21:38:39:


You will need a USFW import/export license. The breeder/exporter will have to obtain C.I.T.E.S. documents for the animal. Since the value is $2500 0r over you are required to have a broker. A broker handles the paperwork, is there to assist USFW during the inspection, and is able to set the forwarding of the freight if needed. Their cost usually runs about $150-$250 depending on the shipment. Depending on where your port of entry is will be who you use as a broker if your bringing it into Miami I can make some suggestions on brokers. You are also required to have USFW inspection which will cost you between $55-$115 depending if overtime is needed. Any inspection after 4pm or on weekends or holidays are overtime. You will need to contact USDA as well as they have requirements for the importation of animals as well. I believe they have a quarantine requirement when the animal arrives into the US. There are no USDA requirements on Reptiles but I believe they are for other animals.

:I am trying to import an exotic raptor into the u.s.(I know it isn't a reptile but). The species I want to import is listed as cites appendix II. The animal is captive born, and will be shipped from a breeder in belguim. Am I correct in my assumption that I need an import liscence, cites import permit and that is it. And that the breeder needs to get a cites export permit. Also the value will be over $2,500 so will I need a broker? And exactly what does a broker do? If I do need a broker can anyone recommend someone? Any info would be helpful especially an idea of all needed permits.

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