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Re: Importation of a boa INTO Mexico

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Posted by coffeeman on October 03, 2002 at 15:23:48:

In Reply to: Importation of a boa INTO Mexico posted by biguhuiini on September 26, 2002 at 03:03:19:

Start by calling the USDA and finding out what the problems you will face when bringing it BACK are. My understanding is that as snakes are not classified as a pet according to the USDA, they would have to pass through the agriuculture department on the way back in.

To get ahold of the USDA office in charge of border crossings, you may want to cal the INS and ask them who to call, as they are more likely to know that your average regional USDA operator. To give you an idea of the size and lack of coordination of that agency, the last time we talked to the USDA, they didn't even know there was such a thing as a fruit bat, let alone what permit you needed to own and display them. We called someone else with a similar job title to the person we spoke to before in the same office as that person, and they knew exactly what we were looking for, AND they knew the person we had asked before them.

They may also know the name of their mexican counterpart which is who you would have to talk to about bringing it in to Mexico.

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